About Us
About Us
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Principal Applicant - Family Name
Principal Applicant - Given Name
Principal Applicant - Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
Principal Applicant - UCI Number (if known)
Principal Applicant - Gender
Principal Applicant - Height (cm)
Principal Applicant - Eye Color
Principal Applicant - Current Country of Residence
Principal Applicant - Country of Citizenship/Nationality
Principal Applicant - Status in Canada
Principal Applicant - Duration of Status in Canada
Give From and To dates (YYYY-MM-DD)
In the last 5 years, have you ever travelled outside Canada?
If yes, provide details below
Date and place of your last entry to Canada
Provide City, Country and duration - From and To (YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD)
Provide other countries that you have resided for more than 6 months from the last 5 years
FORMAT: Country - Status - From (YYYY-MM-DD) to (YYYY-MM-DD)
Current Address in Canada
Provide Full Address including Unit number and postal code if it applies
What is current marital status?
Conjugal Partner
Date of Marriage or the date the you entered into common-law or conjugal relationship
Provide complete date (YYYY-MM-DD)
If you've been married or in a common-law relationship to anyone aside from your current spouse or partner, please provide details of your former relationship
Provide: Full Name of former spouse or partner, Date of Birth, Country of Birth, Current City and Country of Residence, Duration of Relationship (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD)
Where do you intend to live?
British Columbia
Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia
Newfoundland and Labrador
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories
Yukon Territory
Provide City
Contact Number
Email address
Passport number
Issuing Country
Validity: From (YYYY-MM-DD) and To (YYYY-MM-DD)
Highest Level of Education
Secondary or less
Trade/Apprenticeship Certificate/Diploma
Non-University Certificate or Diploma
Post-Secondary - No Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Post Graduate - No Degree
Master's Degree
Doctorate - PhD
Total Number of Years of Eduation
From Primary, Elementary, Secondary, College to University
Details of your Secondary Education
PROVIDE: Name of School, City, Country, Duration - From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD)
Details of College or University Education
PROVIDE: Name of School, City, Country, Duration - From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD)
Details of other post-secondary education (Including vocation or technical college if any)
PROVIDE: Name of School, City, Country, Duration - From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD) for each education
Native Language
Last Name of Mother
First Name of Mother
Mother's Maiden Name (Last name at Birth)
Date of Birth of Mother
If deceased, provide Date of Death and City and Country of where they passed away
Full Current Address of Mother
Last Name of Father
First Name of Father
Date of Birth of Father
If deceased, provide Date of Death and City and Country of where they passed away
Full Current Address of Father
Provide Details of your siblings
Provide Full Name, Date of Birth, Country of Citizenship, Email Address, Current Occupation, Marital Status and Current Full Address, Relationship to you (ex. sister, brother, step-sister, step brother, half-sister etc.)
Provide Details of your children
Provide Full Name, Date of Birth, Country of Citizenship, Email Address, Marital Status, Current Occupation and Current Full Address, Relationship to you (ex. daughter, son, step daughter, step-son etc.), Color or Eyes, Height in cm
Personal History for the last 10 years (PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ANY GAPS)
Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18, or the past 10 years, whichever is most recent. Start with the most recent information. Under "Activity", write your occupation or job title if you were working. If you were not working, provide information on what you were doing (for example: unemployed, studying, travelling, retired, in detention, etc.). If you were outside your country or territory of nationality, indicate your status in that country or territory. Note: Please ensure that you do not leave any gaps in time. Provide From (YYYY-MM) to (YYYY-MM), Activity, City or Town and Country, Status in Country, Name of Company, employer, school, facility as applicable
List all addresses where you have lived since your 18th birthday or the past 10 years, whichever is most recent. Do not use P.O. box addresses. PROVIDE: From (YYYY-MM) To (YYYY-MM-DD), Street and Number, City or Town, Province, State or District, Postal Code, Country or Territory
Employment History (LIST ALL EMPLOYMENT)
PROVIDE: From (YYYY-MM-DD) to (YYYY-MM-DD), Position Held, Employer Name, City and Country
Travel History
Provide all your international travel history; PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD), City and Country, How many days, Purpose of Travel
Sponsor - Full Name
Last Name and Given or First Name
Sponsor - Date of Birth
UCI Number
Status in Canada
Permanent Resident
Employment History From the last 5 years (DO NOT LEAVE ANY GAPS)
Provide: From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD), Employer/Company Name, Full Address including Unit Number and Postal Code and Telephone number, Occupation/Position, Monthly Gross Income
List information of other people that you sponsored in the past
Provide Family Name, Given Name, Date of Birth, Indication if you are the sponsor or co-signee (only applicable to parents, spouse, or dependent children sponsorship)
Other financially dependent people on you
Provide Family name, given name and date of birth
How many years did you attend elementary?
How many years did you attend secondary school?
How many years did you attend college or university?
How many years did you attend post-graduate studies?
Address History from the last 5 years (DO NOT LEAVE ANY GAPS)
Provide Duration: From (YYYY-MM) to (YYYY-MM), Street and number, City or Town, Province, Postal Code, Country
ravel History
Provide all your international travel history; PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD), City and Country, How many days, Purpose of Travel
Previous relationship information
If you have been married or in a common-law relationship prior to your current spouse/partner now, please provide details of this relationship. Provide Former Spouse/Partner's Full Name, Length of Relationship From. (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD) and Date of Divorce, Separation or Death (YYYY-MM-DD)
Are you related in any way to your spouse/partner
When did you first met in person?
Where did you first meet in person?
City and Country
Describe the circumstances of your first meeting
E.g., We met in Toronto and went to a restaurant and movies together etc. Provide context.
Did anyone introduce you to each other? If yes, please provide the name of the person.
Are you living together now?
If yes, how long have you been cohabiting?
Give period(s) you have been living together after your conjugal relationship started
If no, explain why not?
If you are not living together, have you visited each other during your relationship?
If no, explain why not?
If yes, provide details
From (YYYY-MM) To (YYYY-MM), Who travelled to visit whom?, Did you stay together at the same location?, Where did you stay?
What language do you use when communicating with each other?
How often do you communicate when you are not together and how?
Do your close friends, family and children know about your relationship? If no, explain why?
If yes, provide details:
Provide Full Name, Are they related to Sponsor or PA, Relationship to either Sponsor or PA, Date they met the sponsor or PA (YYYY-MM-DD), this includes virtual meet-up
Was your marriage arranged?
If yes, describe how the marriage was arranged (by whom, when, where?
Were there any formal ceremonies or events to celebrate your relationship?
Wedding ceremony, engagement party, bridal shower etc. If no, explain why not
If yes, provide details
Date (YYYY-MM-DD), Description of ceremony or event, Location, Number of Guests, Who performed the ceremony if applicable
Who attended the ceremony?
Principal Applicant's parents?
Principal Applicant's children if applicable
Principal Applicant's other family member or relatives
Sponsor's parents
Sponsor's children if applicable
Sponsor's other family member or relatives
If any of the above people did not attend, explain why not
You can add people who joined virtually if any
Are either of you pregnant?
If yes, provide due date
Is there more information you wish to share ti support your relationship?
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