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Give From and To dates (YYYY-MM-DD)
If yes, provide details below
Provide City, Country and duration - From and To (YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD)
FORMAT: Country - Status - From (YYYY-MM-DD) to (YYYY-MM-DD)
Provide Full Address including Unit number and postal code if it applies
Provide complete date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Provide: Full Name of former spouse or partner, Date of Birth, Country of Birth, Current City and Country of Residence, Duration of Relationship (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD)
From Primary, Elementary, Secondary, College to University
PROVIDE: Name of School, City, Country, Duration - From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD)
PROVIDE: Name of School, City, Country, Duration - From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD)
PROVIDE: Name of School, City, Country, Duration - From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD) for each education
Provide Full Name, Date of Birth, Country of Citizenship, Email Address, Current Occupation, Marital Status and Current Full Address, Relationship to you (ex. sister, brother, step-sister, step brother, half-sister etc.)
Provide Full Name, Date of Birth, Country of Citizenship, Email Address, Marital Status, Current Occupation and Current Full Address, Relationship to you (ex. daughter, son, step daughter, step-son etc.), Color or Eyes, Height in cm
Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18, or the past 10 years, whichever is most recent. Start with the most recent information. Under "Activity", write your occupation or job title if you were working. If you were not working, provide information on what you were doing (for example: unemployed, studying, travelling, retired, in detention, etc.). If you were outside your country or territory of nationality, indicate your status in that country or territory. Note: Please ensure that you do not leave any gaps in time. Provide From (YYYY-MM) to (YYYY-MM), Activity, City or Town and Country, Status in Country, Name of Company, employer, school, facility as applicable
List all addresses where you have lived since your 18th birthday or the past 10 years, whichever is most recent. Do not use P.O. box addresses. PROVIDE: From (YYYY-MM) To (YYYY-MM-DD), Street and Number, City or Town, Province, State or District, Postal Code, Country or Territory
PROVIDE: From (YYYY-MM-DD) to (YYYY-MM-DD), Position Held, Employer Name, City and Country
Provide all your international travel history; PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD), City and Country, How many days, Purpose of Travel
Last Name and Given or First Name
Provide: From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD), Employer/Company Name, Full Address including Unit Number and Postal Code and Telephone number, Occupation/Position, Monthly Gross Income
Provide Family Name, Given Name, Date of Birth, Indication if you are the sponsor or co-signee (only applicable to parents, spouse, or dependent children sponsorship)
Provide Family name, given name and date of birth
Provide Duration: From (YYYY-MM) to (YYYY-MM), Street and number, City or Town, Province, Postal Code, Country
Provide all your international travel history; PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: From (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD), City and Country, How many days, Purpose of Travel
If you have been married or in a common-law relationship prior to your current spouse/partner now, please provide details of this relationship. Provide Former Spouse/Partner's Full Name, Length of Relationship From. (YYYY-MM-DD) To (YYYY-MM-DD) and Date of Divorce, Separation or Death (YYYY-MM-DD)
City and Country
E.g., We met in Toronto and went to a restaurant and movies together etc. Provide context.
Give period(s) you have been living together after your conjugal relationship started
From (YYYY-MM) To (YYYY-MM), Who travelled to visit whom?, Did you stay together at the same location?, Where did you stay?
Provide Full Name, Are they related to Sponsor or PA, Relationship to either Sponsor or PA, Date they met the sponsor or PA (YYYY-MM-DD), this includes virtual meet-up
If yes, describe how the marriage was arranged (by whom, when, where?
Wedding ceremony, engagement party, bridal shower etc. If no, explain why not
Date (YYYY-MM-DD), Description of ceremony or event, Location, Number of Guests, Who performed the ceremony if applicable
Who attended the ceremony?
You can add people who joined virtually if any